Lesson 9 – Instant Replay/Or On-Demand Scarcity Training

Instant Replay/Or On-Demand Scarcity Training [Straight To A Replay From The Registration Page]

What about getting someone to an event right away? With the straight to replay option from the registration page you can easily get people to watch the event, not in the next 15 minutes, but instantly right away. You can also have the replay option shown on the registration page along with a future session as well! Remember, more sales comes from those coming to the webinar directly. If you can’t convert on the Right on time events, try the instant replay from the reg page!

With EasyWebinar you can push people directly into the replay, and with our replay countdown feature you can have that specific replay page expire after a period of time. Either on evergreen (based on when they came in and have it automatically expire and create a countdown email sequence to position the scarcity of the training and possibly your offer) or have the countdown timer count down to a specific date for scenarios where you might be running a live launch of your program where you have a specific deadline for your webinar on a specific date and in your local timezone.

Use Case:

If you have an audience of high powered business folks who really don’t want to wait to get into a training or webinar that you have, the instant replay is a great option. Each of these scenarios takes examining just how your audience might want to consume the excellent content you have.

Or, maybe you realize that attention spans online are at an all time low. By offering straight to replay from the registration page, you can often times get more people watching your webinar!

Case Study:

Claremont Wine and Inn did a campaign to get more those interested in wine delivered to their homes using an online campaign for women who were sweet wine drinkers. We ran the campaign using EasyWebinar and sent them directly into the replay page where from there, the webinar instantly started.

Want to check out our “Sell Your Programs 24/7 Webinar?” CLICK HERE

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