Lesson 8 – Automated Webinar Block day scenario

[Cold Traffic Feature] Automated Webinar Block day scenario

When you block an automated webinar by a specific day it means that when ever someone comes to the registration page, if you say block by 1 day, it will not show an available time for the day they show up, but will for the next day. If you block by 2 days and someone arrives on Thursday, it will show the next available time to watch the webinar on Saturday.

These automated webinars allow you to do authority seeding before the webinar starts. Such as offer a podcast link to listen to before the webinar starts or an additional 2-3 nurture email urging them to get to the webinar. This increases show up to the webinar and stick factor on the webinar to where your prospect sees your offer. Half the time people blame the webinar on no sales when they have to look at the entire experience. If you are running webinars now, look at the conversion numbers based on when someone sees your offer. If you have a 10% or better conversion from those who see your offer to becoming a buyer then work hard trying to get people to the point in the webinar when the offer is mentioned! Most people scrap the whole webinar when they don’t crush sales. Seeing your authority with who you are, why you are the expert, reminding them of the biggest problem they have and how you will solve it, and why they need to be at this webinar will help in that struggle.


Use Cases: Use the block day scenarios when you are selling products directly on a webinar. Often times, cold traffic or higher ticket products that are more than 500 per unit sell better when you block by say 1 or 2 days to allow for building your authority.

For Cold Traffic. If you are sending prospects straight into a webinar from say a Facebook ad or other source of paid media, authority seeding can be the difference between a sale or not.

Case Study:

Here is Amy Porterfield. Amy is an online social media expert. She used EasyWebinar to run automated webinars with block day scenarios and had daily sales of about 20k. Running a few times a day in her attendees own timezone, while blocking registration by one day.

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