Fast Track Week 5: The Pre-qualifier

Fast Track Week 5

The Pre-qualifier 

We go over the tools and strategies you need to filter the qualified from the not qualified.

You’ll learn how to filter out the tire kickers from the action takers. The what, the how, and the why behind Pre-Qualifying. Every step. Every sequence.

This is what separates high-income earners from the average. Learning this sequence will forever change your life and free up your time!

We have years worth of experience transacting millions of dollars worth of services. We have extensively tested what works and discovered what doesn’t work. This is where all the sales are actually made, which is the most overlooked step.

Click on the tab “Materials” at the top for supporting materials.

Session 5 Success Tips!

Action item: Go and get your application and Calendar software if you don't already have it.

The Calendar Software I suggest:

  • Pros: Simple, sleek, can integrate into your own website and easy to set up.
  • Con: You only get one master page, if you are only promoting one program this isn't a con.

We recommend Calendly. The price is low and the features some of the best out there.

Pros: Direct SMS set up, integrates with your own website. Easy to choose your schedule. Able to have multiple master pages.

Con: A bit more complex to set up and costs can add up quickly especially with Zapier integrations or SMS costs.

The Application Software:

Pros: Great analytics, and awesome user interface and experience

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Additional Resources:

Today's lesson slides:  Click Here

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