Start Here For Your Fast Track Training

EWM Fast Track How To:

EWM Mentorship First Call

Book your initial meeting with one of our success coaches!

This first meeting is for people who want to master the art of engaging their audience and selling through webinars in a way that feels natural. It is by far the #1 skill to growing a business.

Getting Started - How to Maximize Your Time With Us

Welcome! We’re excited to have you as one of the members of our mentorship program. What you will be learning as part of the TribeMinded Elite Fast Track Program will give you the skills to confidently build your high-touch, high-ticket program with webinars being used as the backbone to much of the business. 

Before you get started we want to go over a few things to help you maximize your time with us.

This program will require you to take action if you want to achieve the results you desire for your business. You will have assignments each week. Do your best to complete those. There is a student resource Google Drive that will give you several documents to help you flesh out your ideas and gain clarity. 

Each week you will have a webinar to register for that will walk you through how to put together a high-converting webinar.

  • Weeks 1 thru 3 will be on Tuesdays.
  • Weeks 4 thru 6 will be on Thursdays.

If you cannot make a week then register anyway so you can get the replay for that session. These are pre-recorded but live-streamed events with assignments each week.

Weekly Q&A Sessions - Every Wednesday at 12pm PST / 3pm EST / 8pm UK

Every Wednesday at 12pm Pacific is our Weekly Q&A Session.

It is important we hear from you during the weekly Q&A sessions and in the members-only Facebook group. The more we hear from you the better we can help you. If you run into a problem, have a question, need help, do not hesitate to reach out to us on the Facebook group.

Private Facebook Group

All of our past replays from our Weekly Q&A sessions, along with any other training content or tips, is in our group. You will have access to all past recording in there.

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