Here are the files and resources we mention to help you out.
Go into the EWM program and start to consume The Webinar Foundation Module.
This module carves out your WHY and WHO you are serving. Knowing your audience and defining your audience are the 2 most important things.
We all think it is the webinar that's the most important thing...that is only partially true. Understanding and finding the perfect audience will allow you to charge higher prices and serve those who resonate with you while having to 'market' or 'sell' less. Our entire approach is to avoid having to oversell. It is to hit the right points for the right person.
"Are you a Physical Therapist who is earning high 5 figures to low 6 figures and you want to move into earning mid 6 figures and beyond in your business while working less and impacting more?"
"Are you burning yourself out through taking on too many clients who don't value the service you provide? Are you finding your time being sucked through low-level actions of marketing that don't seem to go anywhere?"
These are some exercises that can help you to solidify your audience. Inside the EWM program, Module 1, Lesson 2 there are resources to download for tapping into creating that perfect customer avatar. There is also some homework.
Please create your perfect customer avatar and submit that to casey@easywebinar.com so that we can check, critique, and help you hone your avatar.
Go out and survey and create a conversation with your audience about their biggest problems...
Here is a template to work off of:
Plus, inside this video training, we pivot to a video where Jeremy discusses how he lands clients through conversations and moves them into his webinar...or direct to sale.
Additional Resources: