All Resources and Documents

Week 1

  1. Slide of today’s presentation:  Click Here
  2. TribeMinded Slide Presentation [Example of Consultant Webinar] : Click Here
  3. The Consultant Webinar Flow Evernote: Click Here
  4. The ‘Your Perfect Audience’ exercise:  CLICK HERE

Week 2

Pick up Tim Pollard’s book, ‘The Compelling Communicator: Mastering the art and science of exceptional presentation design’.


Week 3

Week 4

  • Today’s lesson slides:  Click Here
  • Our TribeMinded Webinar PDF (use as a guideline when creating your own consultant webinar):  Click Here
  • The Consultant Slide by Slide Evernote File:  Click Here
  • Our Infusionsoft Overview Consultant Funnel Template Image: Click Here

Week 5

The Calendar Software I suggest:

  • Pros: Simple, sleek, can integrate into your own website and easy to set up.
  • Con: You only get one master page, if you are only promoting one program this isn’t a con.

We recommend Calendly. The price is low and the features some of the best out there.

Pros: Direct SMS set up, integrates with your own website. Easy to choose your schedule. Able to have multiple master pages.

Con: A bit more complex to set up and costs can add up quickly especially with Zapier integrations or SMS costs.

The Application Software:

Pros: Great analytics, and awesome user interface and experience

Additional Resources:

Today’s lesson slides:  Click Here

Week 6

The software mentioned:

For Your Calendar Platform:

For your Application Platform:

For recording your calls:

For your membership site:

For your group coaching:

For your service business management:


Today’s lesson slides: Click Here

The high ticket offer validation google doc: Click Here

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